Meetings Abroad

On November 7-8, 2022, Mari Tskrialashvili, psychologist of the Society Biliki’s Early Childhood Intervention and Rehabilitation/Habilitation programs, was on a study visit to Israel, to the organization named Beit Issie Shapiro.
The study visit aimed to strengthen the professional capacity of the service providers in the field of disabilities through the exchange of knowledge among member organizations of EASPD. During the study visit, Beit Issie Shapiro shared the experience with the Multisensory room and introduction to the "IssieSense" approach in ECI with the participants. There was also a discussion about the opportunity of technology in different contexts and environments.
Marika Mgebrishvili the Head of the Association of Society Biliki participated in the Resilient Civil Society Learning and Networking Summit which took place in Tanzania from November 14 to 17. This event united civil society representatives from 11 countries and is part of a USAID-funded global project on civil society strengthening and support implemented by PartnersGlobal and other international, regional, and local nongovernmental organizations.
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